Saturday 3 December 2011

My Skyrim Tattoo

Almost a year ago, we were treated with an Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim teaser trailer and Max Von Sydow's brilliant voice over. I have spent all year trying not to hype this game, being careful not to watch too many trailers or other media.

It gets to august and after my Darth Vader tattoo, which I’m sure you’ll agree needs no explanation as to why I got it. Then I start getting the urge for another tattoo. I start thinking about video games and at first I was thinking about an Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion tattoo. Then I got to thinking about a Skyrim Tattoo with my original idea being the logo from the box art. My good friend Scott the Tattooist, then advised that a character would make for a better tattoo.

The tattoo was started in August and by this point I didn't know who it was, I just loved the image. It's taken three sessions of about 60-90 mins and was finished 6 days after the release of Skyrim. It’s an amazing tattoo of a character from an amazing game. Thanks to be to Scott Grozier for doing it.

The Elder Scrolls games offer something unique, in that the character you create truly is your own. The quests you encounter, the characters you interact with and the skills you choose to build. This means the decisions you make are important as the choices change the world around you. Skyrim is the best kind of game as you’re not limited in your gameplay options and I hope this isn’t the last game in the series. Imagine my excitement when I realised the tattoo was actually of the first dragon born, Tiber Septim or Talos.


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